Abundant Life
Health & Wellness
By visiting our Abundant Life Health & Wellness website - a Private Ministerial Association - and/or any website or social media group/page started/created/maintained/organized by this Association, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of Abundant Life Health & Wellness PMA.
Providing responsible, effective holistic care
Beneath the physical surface of your body are hidden levels of emotions, thought patterns, and learned beliefs. Emotional discomforts and even physical illnesses can be manifested by imbalances and energy blockages on these levels. Abundant Life Health & Wellness offers a holistic healing solution complimenting traditional treatments for your body, mind and spirit.
Whether you want to improve your overall well-being or address an illness, my goal is to provide responsible, effective holistic care by addressing the whole person. Instead of only focusing on symptoms or what might seem like an obvious problem, attention is also given to the underlying causes of a person's health challenges: what is fueling the imbalance and finding the priorities for restoring optimal health.
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Featured Testimonials
“I don’t understand but it works! I feel lighter and less troubled than I did.”
“Debbie has been very instrumental in helping me to continue on this healthy journey.”

Yesterday does not reflect tomorrow
Abundant Life Ministries is a Private Ministerial Association (PMA) that was formed as a result of a spiritual quest to discover and share holistic healing and interaction with members. A PMA is created by and exists upon the exact same authority and power that people asserted in The Declaration of Independence…